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After we made it to Reno Timber, Mom, and myself went out to the National Wild Horse and Burro Center at Palomino Valley to check out the wild horses. They were rounded up and brought there so that they can be adopted by people. I wondered why people would go out and round up wild horses, but the reason is because their population went up and if people don't do something (interject ourselves into nature) there will not be enough food and the horses will starve and die. That naturally begs another question. So what, that's nature right? So digging a little deeper I found out that it is basically the ranchers that use BLM land that want the horses taken off because they compete with the cattle for resources (food & water). So if there is a population explosion of wild horses and then they starve and die that also causes the cattle that belong to the ranchers to starve and die. Now I get it. And I'm not saying that is a good thing or bad thing. Ranchers after all provide most of the beef we consume. After the horses we stopped to look at some model homes on our way back into Reno. From the story we got, developer was trying to offload the last few houses they had built and the bank was going to take back the rest of the land. This housing development was only about 1/3 done when the bottom fell out. And the drop in asking price really reflected that. On Sunday we met up with my cousin Tim and his girlfriend Michelle at Claim Jumper before heading out of town. And of course we had to stop at Cabela's for some outdoor goodness before we went back home.

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