Free For 10 Years!

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I knew this day would come, I just didn't know it would come so fast.  10 years ago today, I took my last final exam to get my Electrical Engineering degree.  10 years have gone by faster than I expected, but 95 % of it has been fun.  Shortly after I finished my last final I got in a plane and left Fairbanks and went to Mom's house in Anchorage for a few weeks of rest and relaxation.  Then I flew down to Reno for the millenium New Year celebration.  Then I came to San Jose, and on January 6th, 2000 I started working for IBM in San Jose.  Looking back 10 years ago today, I never expected life to take me where it has.  It has been a fun journey working and living for 10 years.  I have not had to build any circuits or use partial differential equations for work in the last 10 years, but the bigger things that I learned while getting my degree like total immersion, self confidence, dedication, balls out hard work, constant improvement, and working with and getting along with others have served me well over the past 10 years.  I have no way of predicting where the next 10 years will take me.  All I know for sure is that I will continue to work hard, learn new things, improve, and have fun.  Thanks to UAF for helping to get me ready for the real world.

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