January 22, 2007

Uproar over ban on gays' blood

I heard about a case on the news where a gay high school student was very unhappy about being turned away when he tried to donate blood. An article on the issue can be found here. Here is my advice to that student. Don't take it personally. You are not being singled out for being gay and no one is trying to deprive you of your rights. Lots of people are banned from giving blood. Timber can't donate blood because she lived in Europe for a while. The restrictions include anyone that is gay, anyone that lived in Europe between certain years, if you've ever taken drugs via needle, prostitutes, if you have certain health conditions, etc... The ban (which is very extensive) is to keep the blood supply as safe as possible. I'm one of the few people who is able to donate blood, but if I try to donate blood while I have a cold they will not let me. So instead of worrying that you will be humiliated or made fun of because you are gay think about the big picture and get some perspective. I know that is hard to do when you are young. The rules are in place to keep the blood supply as safe as possible. It is not personal or targeting any one group.

Posted by troutm8 at January 22, 2007 03:47 PM