Congress: Hey Dubya, we want to find out what happened in the firings of some US Attorneys.
Dubya: Sure thing Congress. I'll send over Harriet and Karl to give yall all the information you need, but with a few r'strictions.
Congress: And they are?
Dubya: Well, what they say cannot be made public, ever, so no sound recordings and transcripts, and what they say cannot be used against them later, so no going under oath or any malarky like that. Oh, and they may look differently than when you last saw them, they both had plastic surgery and had their voices altered, so you may not think they are the real Karl and Harriet but I assure you they are the real deal. Oh, and they want to be able to take frequent breaks to receive instructions, I mean to call their mothers.
Congress (fuming): So basically you are stalling and not going to cooperate right?
Dubya: Yep.