I finally got my first vote by mail ballot late last week, and over the weekend I made my decisions, filled out my ballot, and mailed it back in. Woohoo! It is too bad I had to request to become a vote by mail voter several times before it finally took effect. But that's government I guess. But the ballot measures were pretty boring this time. I also think that the presidential primary was also kind of boring because I'm a registered Republican and I had to choose out of the likes of Huckabee, Romney, Paul, Guiliani, McCain, etc... But I deliberated by visiting their websites to see where they stood on the issues and it was easy to not vote for most of them because they had a few issues that I just couldn't reconcile with. For instance some of the candidates openly said that they would overturn Roe vs Wade if they had the chance. While I personally disagree with abortion I don't think that right should be taken away from women and I definitely don't want to elect a president who could appoint supreme court justices to do just that. After using that as elimination criteria I wasn't left with too many candidates left. I basically whittled them down until I was left with John McCain, so he got my vote for the Republican nomination.
Posted by troutm8 at January 15, 2008 06:51 PM