May 05, 2006

Grandma's Visit

Grandma (Tom's Mom) came for a visit in late April. While she was here some of my worst attributes came out. I didn't think I was very territorial, especially around Tom & Timber, but when Grandma came in the door I was growling and snarling and ready to defend my territory. I was definitely not friendly. Later in the visit Tom had me meet Grandma outside of the house and I was much more friendly. And for some reason I sometimes forget that I've met someone and then bark and snarl at them for no reason. I'm also very protective of the dining room table. I'll hang around under the dining room table and if someone I don't know comes near or to the table then I'll bark and lunge at them to let them know that this is my territory. Interestingly enough, Tom and Timber can come in and around the table as much as they want and it doesn't bother me. They definitely have a laundry list of things to work on with me when we go to training.

Posted by troutm8 at May 5, 2006 11:36 PM
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